Compare the entry below with the kernel coming with sles8, alot of requirements are missing. Anas Brian Corriveau wrote:
One more question for today:
I am trying to use the
<kernel>my-kernel</kernel> (I've also tried just kernel like the package name)
in my control file in the software part. When running auto installation I can see the kernel rpm being installed, but at the end I am informed that the kernel package failed to install and then it has trouble installing the bootloader correctly. Here is what I get when I create_packages. Is there someting missing here that I need to add or add to my kernel rpm spec file to make this work? ##---------------------------------------- =Pkg: kernel 2.4.21_Z_01_01 6 x86_64 +Req: /bin/sh -Req: +Prq: /bin/sh -Prq: +Prv: /boot/vmlinuz.boot my-kernel kernel-2.4.21_Z_01_01 -Prv: =Grp: System Environment/Kernel =Lic: GPL =Src: kernel 2.4.21_Z_01_01 6 src =Tim: 1099525554 =Loc: 1 kernel-2.4.21_Z_01_01-6.x86_64.rpm =Siz: 3079829 7714275 ##----------------------------------------
thanks Brian