Hello Frank,
Ralf Neugebauer wrote:
I have got two questions about using custom user scripts:
1. Is it only possible to copy the configuration file into the xml file? I think it's more useful to write only the path and filename to a externel configuration file I want to copy to the new system. Is this possible?
Sorry I wrote my mail wrong. I want to know If I can do the above for <files conifg:type="list">-Tag's like complained in section 14. Adding complete configurations. There is nothing mentioned about something like <file contents>nfs://<ip>/sshd.cfg</file contents>. Is it possible or not?
2. Which interpreters are possible to use? Only shell and perl? Is it also possible to use python?
Can I use python or not in custom user script's section? Does it depents on the installion of python in the <software>-section before?
It's all explained here: http://www.suse.de/~nashif/autoinstall/9.1/html/createprofile.scripts.html
-- Thx for your help Ralf Neugebauer Fachhochschule Osnabrück Albrechstr. 30 49076 Osnabrück Tel. (0541) 969-3673 Fax. (0541) 969-3671 eMail R.Neugebauer@et.fh-osnabrueck.de