If your install has correctly completed then it sounds like you just need to create an automatic reboot yourself. I do this using my "real" post install script, details here: http://www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/~mr349/suse/autoyast.html If your install is not completing properly then: You might want to try setting forceboot to "true" although I am not completely sure what it does as I use false (no documentation about this AFAIA): <general> <clock> <hwclock>uct</hwclock> <timezone>Europe/London</timezone> </clock> <keyboard> <keymap>english-uk</keymap> </keyboard> <language>en_GB</language> <mode> <confirm config:type="boolean">false</confirm> <forceboot config:type="boolean">false</forceboot> </mode> <mouse> <id>probe</id> </mouse> </general> I force a reboot from my pre-install script using a statically compiled reboot: http://www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/~mr349/suse/autoyast.html hope that helps a wee bit. Mike Rose On Mon, 20 Sep 2004, Stephens, Bill {PBSG} wrote:
My system isn't rebooting after the install completes. It's still running at runlevel 5, with build networking definitions started. I need to reboot the system after the build process is complete to ensure it starts up with a completely clean environment. How do I force a reboot after installation and customization completes?