Hi, I want to install multiple sles8 based distributions form one cdrom/dvd. I have created an image with the following layout: ../boot ../boot/loader ../media.1 ../pf ../pf/serv1 ../pf/serv1/suse ../pf/serv1/suse/i386 ../pf/serv1/suse/i586 ../pf/serv1/suse/i686 ../pf/serv1/suse/noarch ../pf/serv1/suse/setup ../pf/serv1/suse/setup/descr ../pf/serv1/boot ../pf/serv1/media.1 ../pf/serv2 ../pf/serv2/suse ../pf/serv2/suse/i386 ../pf/serv2/suse/i586 ../pf/serv2/suse/i686 ../pf/serv2/suse/noarch ../pf/serv2/suse/setup ../pf/serv2/suse/setup/descr ../pf/serv2/boot ../pf/serv2/media.1 serv1 and serv2 have different incompatible software stacks. So I have two complete copies of distributions parallel on the cdrom but only one bootloader.... When I run autoyast via tftboot/nfs everythings works fine using the following isolinux.cfg: DEFAULT serv1 DISPLAY /pxelinux.cfg/msg TIMEOUT 150 PROMPT 1 # srv1 label srv1 kernel linux append initrd=initrd install=nfs:// autoyast=nfs:// textmode=1 # srv2 label srv2 kernel linux append initrd=initrd install=nfs:// autoyast=nfs:// textmode=1 When I run autoyast from cdrom with the following isolinux.cfg DEFAULT serv1 DISPLAY msg TIMEOUT 150 PROMPT 1 # srv1 label srv1 kernel linux append initrd=initrd install=cdrom:/ autoyast=device://sr0/pf/serv1/autoinst.serv1.xml textmode=1 # srv2 label srv2 kernel linux append initrd=initrd install=cdrom:/ autoyast=device://sr0/pf/serv2/autoinst.serv2.xml textmode=1 I get the Error "Fehler bei der Konfiguration der Sofware Auswahl". Some tests have shown that autoyast wants to read the sel-files and the packages file from /suse/setup/descr instead of /pf/serv1/suse/setup/descr (If I copied one version of it to the /suse/setup/descr directory, autoyast works fine). I think the problem is in the install parameter and autoyast can't find the special "root-directory" of the distribution but I havn't found any documentation about it. Where are the differences between cdrom and nfs installation? Greets Markus Steinfelder