Hi, For 8.1 you have to put the rpms in the directory matching the architecture, make sure no duplicates are available and run the script create_package_descr as described in the docs. For SLES8 you can do just the above, or you can do it in a much more advanced way using an additional source especially for custom packages, updates and anything else... I created a skeleton with the directory structure which can be downloaded from http://www.suse.de/~nashif/autoinstall/CustomPackages.tgz untar this file into the root of the NFS export and adapt the files yast/instorder yast/order accordingly. The directory structure should look like this: |-- CustomPackages | |-- Custom | | |-- i386 | | |-- i586 | | |-- i686 | | |-- noarch | | `-- setup | | `-- descr | `-- media.1 |-- SuSE-Linux-SLES-i386-8 | `-- CD1 |-- UnitedLinux-i386-1 | |-- CD1 | `-- CD2 |-- boot | `-- loader |-- media.1 `-- yast Using the above names, the order files would have the follwing configuration: # cat yast/instorder /UnitedLinux-i386-1/CD1 /UnitedLinux-i386-1/CD1 /CustomPackages /CustomPackages /SuSE-Linux-SLES-i386-8/CD1 /UnitedLinux-i386-1/CD1 / / # cat yast/order /CustomPackages /CustomPackages /SuSE-Linux-SLES-i386-8/CD1 /SuSE-Linux-SLES-i386-8/CD1 /UnitedLinux-i386-1/CD1 /UnitedLinux-i386-1/CD1 / / ---------------- Note: delimiter is <tab> ---------------- Now you can add packages as you wish to the CustomPackages repository. Dont forget to run the create_package_descr script when updating or adding new packages. Regards, Anas Marc Christensen wrote:
Hello everyone.
I've set up an NFS install for SLES 8 & SuSE 8.1 according to chapter 6 ofAutoYast2 guide:
I am unclear how to modify this setup to install custom RPMs that I have created and need installed on workstations.
Anyone done this? Thanks.