Hi.... Thanx for this. I had already considered creating the profile on the server, and specifying that in the rules.xml <result> section. I have since tried it and it does work, but I would have preferred it the other way. I would just prefer not to create files on the webserver (at least not on the fly). Also, (as I am sure you are tired of hearing ;-) RH/FC kickstart does it the other way.....I had started with a kickstart setup, and was hoping to create an autoyast setup as similar as possible to the kickstart setup. Anyway, it works fine creating the profile on the server, but if you do decide to update autoyast to allow the complete profile to be dynamically generated (including scripts) that would be great. Thanx for your help. Chris. On 16/01/06, Uwe Gansert <ug@suse.de> wrote:
On Monday 16 January 2006 10:38, Chris Bradshaw wrote:
So back to my original question......can I reference a local .xml file from the rules.xml file?
no, that's not possible. Can't you create the profile on the webserver on the fly? So that the "wget" is nothing more than a way to tell the webserver which profile to create and Autoyast will fetch that then.
But I'll take a look at the problem you hit by using a pre-script and will try to fix that for the future.
-- ciao, Uwe Gansert
Uwe Gansert, Server Technologies Team SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, Maxfeldstrasse 5, D-90409 Nuernberg, Germany e-mail: uwe.gansert@suse.de, Tel: +49-(0)911-74053-0, Fax: +49-(0)911-74053-476, Web: http://www.suse.de
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