<fraser_bailey@agilent.com> schrieb am 02.08.2005 10:36:29:
Here's a script we use. It works through a template and replaces the values which it finds with values which the use types in. You will obviously need to modify your template of modify this script to match the values in your template, but you shoudl get the general idea.
thanks for your script. now I discovered a strange behaviour again. Perhaps someone can help. my interfaces section looks like this: <interfaces config:type="list"> <interface> <bootproto>static</bootproto> <broadcast>BCAST-ADDR</broadcast> <device>eth0</device> <ipaddr>IP-ADDR</ipaddr> <netmask>SN-MASK</netmask> <network>NW-ADDR</network> <startmode>onboot</startmode> </interface> </interfaces> but the ip seems to be assigned to a random interface (I've seen eth2 and eth3). Can this effect be caused by the indention of bcast, ip, netmask and network, or is it estimated behaviour? thanks matthias