Hi, has anybody an examples rules.xml that uses custom1-5 rules? We want to determine the machine specific configuration (hostname, IP address settings) via rules. According to rules.dtd such a rule could look like this <rule> <custom1> <script>/path/to/some/script.sh</script> <match>machine1</match> <match_type>equal</match_type> </custom> <result> <profile>machine1.xml</profile> <continue config:type="boolean">false</continue> </result> </rule> Is it correct that <script> contains a script path or does it contain the script body like the following? <rule> <custom1> <script> <![CDATA[ #!/bin/sh # Try to determine value of boot parameter $machine=$(cat /proc/cmdline | grep "name=") echo $machine ]]> </script> <match>machine1</match> <match_type>equal</match_type> </custom> <result> <profile>machine1.xml</profile> <continue config:type="boolean">false</continue> </result> </rule> Regards, Stefan Voss