Hello Nashif, (Cc: autoinstall mailing list) sorry for mailing you directly. I am using autoyast to create an automated customized SuSE installation setup. From this, I experience a lot of (probably) bugs within the autoyast progam/process. What is the best way to deal with them? Is there a kind of bugzilla where one could look for these bugs and where I could add a new bug if I find one? Or shall I send them directly to you, or just write them to the mailing list? The latter I did in the last week, but without a good response; I still do not know if the problems I have are bugs in the autoinstall process or are just due to my limited knowledge. Also, it would be nice to feel whether one could expect to have these bugs fixed in a later version of autoyast. Could you also give me a hint where the xml file processing is done in the yast source(s)? If these problems are not too complicated, I could try to fix them myself (most seem to be just typos; see the runlevel/runlevels story) and send you (or whom?) fixes. Best regards Ole -- DSL Komplett von GMX +++ Superg�nstig und stressfrei einsteigen! AKTION "Kein Einrichtungspreis" nutzen: http://www.gmx.net/de/go/dsl