Hello everybody, I've been trying to upgrade all our Suse 9.1 machines to 9.3 using autoyast, but the XML configuration is giving me a few headaches... Any light anyone could shed on this would be greatly appreciated :) For our 9.1 install, we had this for our partioning section: <partitioning config:type="list"> <drive> <device>/dev/hda</device> <partitions config:type="list"> <partition> <create config:type="boolean">false</create> <filesystem config:type="symbol">ext3</filesystem> <format config:type="boolean">true</format> <mount>/</mount> <partition_nr config:type="integer">1</partition_nr> <partition_type>primary</partition_type> </partition> <partition> <create config:type="boolean">false</create> <filesystem config:type="symbol">swap</filesystem> <format config:type="boolean">true</format> <mount>swap</mount> <partition_nr config:type="integer">5</partition_nr> </partition> </partitions> </drive> </partitioning> Which worked as expected: didn't create any new partitions, just formatted & re-used hda1 and hda5 as root and swap respectively. Now, with the exact same section, it seems from the log file that hda1 is automatically used as a /boot partition, leaving no root partition. I don't want a seperate boot partition, and don't know how I can tell it not to do this. (If this is what it is doing). Thanks, Tom Scholl references: my autoyast XML file - http://www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/~tws26/ay.xml 300K log file from autoyast - http://www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/~tws26/messages