Hello everyone, I have the following problem: We have an autoyast base-profile.xml for all our Linux machines, which includes --------- <software> <remove-packages config:type="list"> <package>NetworkManager</package> </remove-packages> </software> --------- because all those machines use the traditional ifup method. Now, I want to integrate a mobile workstation, which should use NetworkManager to manage LAN/WLAN/VPN connections. Thus, I would somehow have to remove the above entry by merging with another XML. Otherwise I cannot install NetworkManager as a regular <package>. I guess that is not possible? I can only add/change entries by merging with another XMl, but not remove thing... correct? (Of course I could remove that line from the base-profile.xml, but so far I'm looking for a better solution) Is it possible to work on the final installation XML file (after merging is done) with a pre-script? How would I get the path to that file? So far, it looks like it is burried somewhere in /tmp/Yast-XXXXXX-YYYYY/ during installation... Thanks for your help! Regards, Joschi Brauchle