31 Mar
31 Mar
I have integrated SP1 into my current sles9 MS directory structure as outlined in Anas' 2/05/05 posting to Egan. I have updated my boot cd with the "linux" and "initrd" from the sp1 CD1. Modified the linuxrc.config. I believe something is incorrect with my directory structure, the installation server is found, loads the SUSE SLES CD1 successfully, but when it tries to find SUSE CORE CD1 I get: Insert 'SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 9 CD2' URL http://...../sles9_x86/SUSE-SLES-Version-9/CD1 SuSE Linux = SuSE Linux AG 2000040702202411 ! = 20040702201519 Did my media.1 folders not get copied correctly? Thanks in advance for the assistance! Bridgette