Question: So with which script ( pre/post/chroot ) can i add additional software during installation ?
that's a FAQ:
Sorry, not that I have not searched. This means that I have to stay with my post script solution anyway - thus it will be executed from the autoyast init script. BTW: Would be nice to put the information for running yast in unattended mode into the ayast_setup.ycp section of your FAQ. because with this solution you are able to reconfigure a OpenSuse installation in unattended mode by using a xml file. At least the stage 2 part. # Reconfigure remotely a OpenSuse Installation after its already configured via yast. # Example: Reconfigure the printer. ssh --batch MyClient \ "screen -D -m yast /usr/share/YaST2/clients/ayast_setup.ycp \ setup filename=/tmp/printer.xml" thx Hajo -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: