Hello again after following some list contributors advice, none of these sections work for me. In the target /var/adm/autoinstall/cache/installedSystem.xml it seems as if it had to work: [...] <scripts> <post-scripts> <script> <filename>userinstall.sh</filename> <interpreter>shell</interpreter> <source> <![CDATA[ #!/bin/sh echo "# " >> /etc/fstab echo "# AQUI ESTOY" >> /etc/fstab echo "# " >> /etc/fstab ]]> </source> </script> </post-scripts> </scripts> [...] Someone told me to surround the <post-scripts> part with a <scripts> structure, but this is not documented anywhere. Anyhow, it doesn't work either, cut the <scripts> apart or let them stay. Is there any possibility of tracing what is supossed it's automatically done with this? thanks in advance! PG