I have an interesting problem I am trying to solve. Due to the nature of where I am doing the install, I have dialup speeds and can't do effective network installs so I have to do a SLES8 and SLES9 Load from CDROM with the control file in the floppy drive. I want to be able to make sure the server that is doing the install has its IP address in the ACL at a tracking web server that would normally get used for AutoYaST installs. Is there a way to trigger an AutoYaST install that : 1. does a complete install from the CDROM 2. reads the autoinst.xml control file from the floppy drive 3. grabs some content from a web server and does not get a 404 without having to write a <PRE> script or modify the install root image on the CDROM image? If I do end up using lwp or wget, is there a smart way to integrate this so it can interrupt the install process if a file cannot be retrieved from a web server? -- Jean L. Francois Sends... - Enterprise Platform Engineering & Certification ( LINUX ) - Linux Counter Registered User #8863 1994-12-13 06:39:24 http://www.novell.com/linux/truth/ - Torquemada Linux - For the Inquisitive...