Hello, Stefan unfortunately :-) the xml syntax is ok as reported with xmllint, in fact, the whole autoinstall works fine except some parts without any complaint. I am trying your own excerpt to check results. Thanks again Stefan Weigel wrote:
Hi! I also had problems with the files section. Try to check with
xmllint autoinst.xml
if the syntax is correct. Here an working example from my autoinst.xml:
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE profile SYSTEM "/usr/share/YaST2/include/autoinstall/profile.dtd"> <profile xmlns="http://www.suse.com/1.0/yast2ns" xmlns:config="http://www.suse.com/1.0/configns"> <configure> <files config:type="list"> <file> <file_contents> <![CDATA[ # a test file ]]> </file_contents> <file_path>/tmp/test1</file_path> </file> <file> <file_contents> <![CDATA[ # a second test file ]]> </file_contents> <file_path>/tmp/test2</file_path> </file> </files> .. </configure> </profile>
Am Dienstag, 3. Juni 2003 09:37 schrieb Pablo Gomez:
i was wondering if this <files> section is correct and why it does not work
<files> <config_file> <file_path>/tmp/test.txt</file_path> <file_contents> <![CDATA[some content]]> </file_contents> </config_file> </files>
i am expecting from it to create a file named test.txt under the /tmp directory in the installed system just containing "some content" in it but fails.
I am trying to (auto) install SuSE8.2 with update floppy and expect to set up standard config files using this method.
any suggestions? thanks in advance.
Pablo Gomez