Hi, this is the script I use to check whether a pxe-file has been accesed or not. As soon a pxe-configuration has been served to a client the atime-value of the file is changed. After this happened the file can be deleted. Copy this script to a location you want and change it to be executable. Next set up a cron jop to run this script periodically. For example every 15 min. Have fun. frank #!/usr/bin/perl $logfile = "/var/log/pxecheck"; $dirname = "/tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg"; ($day,$mon,$year,$h,$min,$sec) = (localtime)[3,4,5,2,1,0]; open (logdatei,">> $logfile") ||die "cannot open logfile $logfile"; print logdatei "--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----\n"; print logdatei "PXE-Directory : $dirname\n"; print logdatei "$day.",$mon+1,".", $year+1900," $h:$min:$sec\n"; opendir(d,$dirname); @content = sort(grep(!/(^\.\.?$)|(default)/,readdir(d))); closedir(d); while ($file = shift(@content)) { $file = "$dirname/$file"; ($mtime,$atime) = (stat $file)[9,8]; if ($atime > $mtime) { unlink($file); print logdatei "$file accessed deleted\n"; }else{ print logdatei "$file not accessed not deleted\n"; } } print logdatei "--------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----\n"; close (logdatei); +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie | | Abt.1 (wissenschaftliche DV) | | | | Frank Pascher | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Auf dem Huegel 69 Tel.: +49 (228) 525 359 | | 53121 Bonn Fax.: +49 (228) 535 229 | +----------------------------------------------------------+ | Email: mailto:fpascher@mpifr-bonn.mpg.de | | WWW: http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de | | PGP Fingerprint: 13D1 8C86 57B3 2850 F158 4879 E5F3 7E20 | +----------------------------------------------------------+