[opensuse-artwork] Re: [opensuse-marketing] build an art team
Hi, A little status update whats going on with Art-Team. On the wiki page I did, we have now 7 people they are interested to join this team and work with it. 3 of them make after he wrote her names there an userpage in the wiki, I think we have new people interested to join our community. More I think coming when the team is formed and begin to work. We should make the next steps. We should come together and find together out how we can work for the project. We need 3 things for this a place, an date and a agenda. The first thing is easy, we have our own IRC channel on freenode #opensuse-artwork. For the last, Javier wrote on the wiki page ( http://en.opensuse.org/Art-Team ) some ideas and help me to fill the page with informations. Thx ;) Now we have to find a date for an meeting. For this I made a doodle voting ( http://doodle.com/k72vxes94u3wgt6d ) to find a termin. I choosed the the time between the next project and board meeting. And also friday and saturday. The time there means UTC and when there isnt a time for u then say it, maybe we can choose an other time. That meeting isnt alone for the Art-Team but for all they interested to have such an team. Maybe u are not an artist but have ideas how we can help the project. br gnokii -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-artwork+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-artwork+help@opensuse.org
On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 13:43, S.Kemter <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de> wrote:
On the wiki page I did, we have now 7 people they are interested to join this team and work with it. Correction: 8 ;)
Excuse for delay \(º,º<) -- Raul Libório http://rauhmaru.blogspot.com/ rauhmarutsªhotmailºcom Linux user#4444581 "There are only 10 types of people in the world - Those who understand binary, and those who don't." -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-artwork+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-artwork+help@opensuse.org
Am Dienstag, den 19.01.2010, 15:16 -0300 schrieb Raul Libório:
On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 13:43, S.Kemter <buergermeister@karl-tux-stadt.de> wrote:
On the wiki page I did, we have now 7 people they are interested to join this team and work with it. Correction: 8 ;)
Excuse for delay \(º,º<)
Ok, Raul add ur name to the wiki page http://en.opensuse.org/Art-Team and vote for a date for meeting on doodle http://doodle.com/k72vxes94u3wgt6d br gnokii
-- more http://karl-tux-stadt.de/ktuxs http://www.xing.com/go/invita/11208336 http://twitter.com/karltuxstadt http://identi.ca/karltuxstadt -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-artwork+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-artwork+help@opensuse.org
Hello, A little status update for the first meeting openSUSE Art-Team. Since my last mail, we interested new people to join the team. We have 10 interested people now. The doodle vote ( http://doodle.com/k72vxes94u3wgt6d ) used 8 ppl right now and the best termin is on saturday. But there are 3 people the cant attend there. ebbo cant on all dates, when u have some point there is important for u tell us. So that we can respect ur points in the meeting. The same for psankar and krish, hey can make it on saturday. But there are 2 ppl they havent participate on the doodle vote yet. Maybe here opinion change the date, thats possible. I set the the last posibility for participate on the doodle vote on the next satruday thats the 23rd. After that date I choose the date with the most attendees and write on sunday an agende (tell ur point on wiki page). I publish this agenda on the discussion page (http://en.opensuse.org/Talk:Art_Team) behind the wiki page. So that all can participate on it. On monday we should announce ur meeting. ebbo made the point we should make an protocol of the meeting. Thats right, I think we should use the meetbot like all other teams and archive the log on http://en.opensuse.org/Meetings/Archive There is only one problem only ops can use the bot. I have to find out who have operator rights in the chan. One last point. henne tell me its ugly to crosspost on diferent lists and he has right. Thats my last crossposting to marketing and artwork, so make sure u have subscribed the artwork list and answer to this list in the future. br gnokii -- more http://karl-tux-stadt.de/ktuxs http://www.xing.com/go/invita/11208336 http://twitter.com/karltuxstadt http://identi.ca/karltuxstadt -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-artwork+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-artwork+help@opensuse.org
participants (2)
Raul Libório