Hi all.
Looking to the future, I was thinking that it would be a good idea that you all become part of the openSUSE artwork team in the sense that you also contribute to openSUSE's artwork like the rest of us do, on our own. I believe you have great people working for you and it would be great if they could join us in the mailing list as well as the IRC channel and not only under SUSE's request.
We are already working through wallpapers for the next release, also gathering some ideas about changes. We are not going too fast though.
We might again want to discuss if we want to use a light colored wallpaper for the next release. We have been using the dark variant for quite a while, now. I remember there has been some proposals for a light design which might already be a good starting point. This might indicate a change of the plasma theme, too.
I am not sure if you all know the design of the 13.1 dvds we have done. It is based on the grow conecpt, but makes use of a light background, which looks really good.
Greets Marcus
Just to add one point, the last kde quizz, users like the idea to have different themes I mean technically it's not that hard to have a light and dark branch. But well as we know all, just double the work to be done :-)
Great idea. I would also like to come up again with the proposal to strip the installer/grub artwork from the desktop branding. Meaning the general artwork could be kept over several releases, but the desktop branding could be changed. Greets Marcus