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From: Hans de Raad <info@hcderaad.nl> To: Opensuse Project <opensuse-project@opensuse.org>, opensuse-marketing@opensuse.org Cc: Robin Edgar <robinedgar@gmail.com> Subject: [opensuse-project] Request for design and marketing for openSUSE Conference 2015 Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 19:54:20 +0200
Dear all,
today we've had our first IRC meeting regarding the organization of openSUSE Conference 2015 (in The Hague NL on 1-4th of may 2015)! Minutes of that meeting can be found here: http://community.opensuse.org/meetings/opensuse-project/2014/opensuse-projec...
One of our highest priorities at the moment is the creation of artwork (logo's and website theming) and composing announcements to raise awareness about the conference.
We hope that we can stand on the shoulders of the Geeko giants and re-use what has already been used (and worked) in the past and create what isnt there yet.
So here is some general info and trivia about The Hague and The Netherlands that might be of use in creating the materials needed:
- Official flag colors NL: Red - White - Blue in horizontal stripes (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_the_Netherlands ) - Official logo of the city of The Hague: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coat_of_arms_of_The_Hague - Semi official sign for the city of The Hague is the Stork bird - Colors of The Hague are green (Yay!) and yellow: http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Den_Haag#mediaviewer/File:Flag_of_The_Hague.svg
Of course The Netherlands are famous for their: - cheese - windmills - wooden shoes - the fact that most of our country is well below sea level - the Delta works - cows and farming in general - the best soccer team in the world that has not ever (yet!) been worldchampion - throwing awesome conferences - and more cheese
Hopefully this will provide some inspiration!
Regarding the marketing announcements, i will contact warlordfff separately and get back on this later.
If we are going at this the wrong way, then please tell us so we can get up to speed with the openSUSE way of doing things!
Best regards! Hans de Raad Robin Edgar -- OpenNovations / DevHdR
Van Sevenbergestraat 49 2274PK Voorburg
Tel +31 6 83578847