Hi coolo.
Hello to everybody, i don't know if the wallpaper proposal that we see in the mailing list are confirmed for the next openSUSE version, but if not, i want to participate with my personal contribution.
This is my folder of wallpapers for openSUSE: http://ow.ly/yune1
You guys really need to provide more infos to your submissions - this list should be discussing about openSUSE artwork, not about personal preferences. So we need to make sure the artwork submitted has a matching license and is available in formats we can work with.
Afair he is not using free software for design, so this might be a bit hard (@Marcos correct me if I am wrong, please). He might be able top provide the graphical elements (under a free license), and we can see if we can port them to Free Software. From what I know these won't be vectors so they might not scale that well. We should again discuss if we would allow bitmap graphics for background images. We only have a few designers that are doing vector-only art and opening up for bitmap design would bring a lot more options from design point of view. But this might lead to some technical limitations. At least for a wallpaper, all ratios have to be provided in such a case.
Putting a dropbox folder of PNGs at us is a bit unfair - there is no point in me discussing them if we can't use them anyway ;(
Having said that - the waves do look nice, but I'd prefer the previously discussed as I've seen waves before :)
Yes, but these would require some additional work on plasma, where no one is willed/or able to help atm. The existing plasma theme that matches best would be Amakage, but it's licensed NC. I am in contact with the author, if he is willed to re-license it under CC-BY-SA. Greets Marcus