On Monday, September 17, 2012 16:42:42 Jos Poortvliet wrote:
On Monday, August 27, 2012 08:14:24 Andres Silva wrote:
Since 12.2 is ad portas, there is a need to update the presentation slides used to introduce openSUSE to other people. You can find them here
We need to update these to a 12.2 inspired design. Any takers?
You probably noticed that the design used in the current slides is, unlike our previous designs, NOT release dependent. It looks far more professional and doesn't need replacement all the time. I personally would vote for NOT making something based on our release artwork but keeping things as they are.
Content-wise, I'll hope to find time soon(ish) to work on this...
BTW my opinion isn't very important - if you folks feel that we should have 12.2 artwork for the slides, awesome, get me a template and I can work on updating the slides tomorrow or whenever I have time ;-)
Andy (anditosan)