Hi there, same as Thorsten, I'm running a Raspberry Pi 4 with several virtual machines with a native IPv6 prefix without any issues. The IPv6 address is the primary method to access all of them and it works nicely since months already. Running Leap 15.2 and I have another Raspi4 running Tumbleweed as well like a charm. Best, Felix On Tue, 2021-04-13 at 13:10 +0200, Per Jessen wrote:
I have a couple of Nanopi Neo Air. For quite some time they have been locking up, hard lock, LEDs on solid, but I have been unable to find any reason. They're both running Leap 15.2. The lock-ups happened sufficiently frequently for me to start thinking about a hardware watchdog even.
For some reason, last week I decided to disable IPV6 on both of them, just a random impulse/thought. Now, one has 7 days uptime, the other 5 days, looking good.