Hi, Am Montag, 8. März 2021, 10:08:16 CET schrieb Nicolas Saenz Julienne:
On Sun, 2021-03-07 at 18:18 +0100, Freek de Kruijf wrote:
Any progress on this issue?
Is there an alternative? USB sound device that works?
HDMI sound should work on Tumblweed as long as you add the relevant DT overlay in config.txt, and configure your system properly. There were some fixes missing that broke ALSA's config, but they are all available now. So:
- In config.txt: 'dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d-pi4' - Make sure to install pulseaudio (if you actually need that, alsa should work OOTB) and login as a non root user. PA doesn't seem to like root sessions.
I'm currently testing Leap 15.3 on a Raspi4, and I can get sound from youtube videos to play via HDMI output. Hoooooooray! However, overlay as descried by Nicolas needs to be added manually, and codecs need to be installed from packman. HTH Axel