Hi! I tried the latest raspberry pi and pi2 images (armv6l-2016.1.15-Build57 resp. armv7l-2016.11.15-Build5.9). Both fail on the second boot with the error "ext4fs_devread read outside partition ...". Afterward it tries to boot from TFTP. Searching the net gives the suggestion, that the 64bit feature may be set on the ext4 partition, so that U-Boot cannot boot. I have found a matching opensuse bug report (boo#989284), too. But checking the partition with dumpe2fs and haven't found this feature. Are any hints how I can make the images work? How can help to resolve this issue? Here is the full log from the pi2:
U-Boot 2016.09.01 (Oct 15 2016 - 11:25:48 +0000)
DRAM: 880 MiB RPI 2 Model B (0xa01041) MMC: bcm2835_sdhci: 0 reading uboot.env
** Unable to read "uboot.env" from mmc0:1 ** Using default environment
In: serial Out: lcd Err: lcd Net: Net Initialization Skipped No ethernet found. starting USB... USB0: Core Release: 2.80a scanning bus 0 for devices... 3 USB Device(s) found scanning usb for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found scanning usb for ethernet devices... 1 Ethernet Device(s) found Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0 switch to partitions #0, OK mmc0 is current device Scanning mmc 0:2... Found U-Boot script /boot/boot.scr ext4fs_devread read outside partition 2225344 ## Executing script at 02000000 Wrong image format for "source" command SCRIPT FAILED: continuing... 11691 bytes read in 128 ms (88.9 KiB/s)
USB device 0: unknown device Waiting for Ethernet connection... unable to connect. missing environment variable: pxeuuid missing environment variable: bootfile