Guys, Is there an image that would work with the Nvidia Jetson Nano? I have both the 4 Gig board and the newly released 2 Gig board. I got to get off of Ubuntu. I know there might be Armbian, but I want to stay with the family. If there is an image, please let me know, I love to get it up and running on both boards. I saw the request for Pine, was that for the Pine64 board? I only ask because I have of those. Oh, fun fact. I have a box, I set up four years ago with openSUSE Tumbleweed on a Pi 3B+. It still running, and when we could go to Linux Expo, I would have it on the table. I am working on updated slides and will have it run it. Anyway, I love my Geek box. What I like to have all the SBC that openSUSE ARM can run on. I have seen at a few shows, ARCH ARM Linux has a table with a few numbers of boards. I like to do the same for openSUE. Guillaume, thanks for all your hard work. Pup -- Terror PUP a.k.a Chuck "PUP" Payne ----------------------------------------- Discover it! Enjoy it! Share it! openSUSE Linux. ----------------------------------------- openSUSE -- Terrorpup openSUSE Ambassador/openSUSE Member skype,twiiter,identica,friendfeed -- terrorpup freenode(irc) --terrorpup/lupinstein Register Linux Userid: 155363 openSUSE Community Member since 2008.