On Sat, 10 Aug 2013, Dirk Müller wrote:
I plan to plan helping for half a year now, but the basic requirements are missing. Since we have our raspberries there was no time, when an initial boot image and the the obs service repositories could be used together.
plan to plan helping is not helping. Thanks for stepping up as a
Each and everbody has only a limited amount of time. I can't do everything, so I have a clear mark what I can and will do and what not. I care for packages, not for whole distributions.
I do a lot for openSUSE for many years now, but I have no time to learn a completely new topic how to create a installation system from scratch. So if we can get a state, where an installation medium is available which matches current OBS, then I'll help to port some of the stuff and fix problems.
Thats when all the work would be done. without additional helping hands to get there, we have little chance to succeed.
Huh. I'm pretty sure that there is lots of work to be done when an initial image is available which links to OBS. An bootable image probably needs only 5% of all the software in factory and that's only a small part of OBS at all. I don't expect a fancy powerful system, but only a WORKING one, where I can install additional stuff when available.
the OBS build stuff actually should be exported to the download directories. Currently all the stuff available for download has nothing to do with the stuff in the build setup. Everything is totally mangled.
Well, it is hidden behind (sometimes not really well documented) APIs or AHIs (Application Human interfaces). In many cases one has to ask somebody who wrote the code on what is going on. Thats just how it is, unfortunately.
I don't want to learn any of these details. I want one image downloadable and installable, where I can add OBS repos like for normal x86. From there on it is fixing packages and installing. Currently I can neither do that for our Raspberry Pi, nor for the ARM7 Beagle board we bought recently. ARM for openSUSE seems completely unusable ATM. And download.opensuse.org contains too much stuff which is unusable and/or does not match the OBS stuff (thus seems outdated :-). Ciao -- http://www.dstoecker.eu/ (PGP key available)