6 Dec
6 Dec
Hi, Am 24.11.23 um 08:27 schrieb Guillaume Gardet: [...]
The JeOS image works perfectly, but it seems that all kernel versions newer than 5.15.0-1041 (and/or all corresponding usb libs after that release) seem to have the same problem with my RTL usb stick. Older like 5.14.21-150400.24.97 on my PC (Leap 15.4) are working flawlessly too with that usb device so I wanted to give Suse a try on my Raspi 4.
No success, so it is a dead horse - not useful to start from scratch my project on a new platform :-(
Thanks nevertheless ...
We may have a look, if you open a bug report on https://bugzilla.opensuse.org with all the information you have.
Opened a bug: https://bugzilla.opensuse.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1217860 Cheers Joe