Hi, Most of my Arm systems use IPv6 with no problem, but they run Tumbleweed, not Leap. Maybe you could give a try to Leap 15.3 Beta to check if the problem is fixed there? Thanks, Guillaume
-----Original Message----- From: Per Jessen <per@jessen.ch> Sent: 13 April 2021 13:18 To: arm@lists.opensuse.org Subject: Re: shot in the dark - anyone running ipv6 on their arm boards?
Per Jessen wrote:
I have a couple of Nanopi Neo Air. For quite some time they have been locking up, hard lock, LEDs on solid, but I have been unable to find any reason. They're both running Leap 15.2. The lock-ups happened sufficiently frequently for me to start thinking about a hardware watchdog even.
For some reason, last week I decided to disable IPV6 on both of them, just a random impulse/thought. Now, one has 7 days uptime, the other 5 days, looking good.
Just for balance - a third Nano Pi has IPv6 and has been up for 23 days.
-- Per Jessen, Zürich (5.6°C) http://www.hostsuisse.com/ - dedicated server rental in Switzerland. IMPORTANT NOTICE: The contents of this email and any attachments are confidential and may also be privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender immediately and do not disclose the contents to any other person, use it for any purpose, or store or copy the information in any medium. Thank you.