Jimmy, Two weeks ago, I grabbed the image linked from this page: https://en.opensuse.org/HCL:Raspberry_Pi3 It is working fine. I haven’t tested a newer image. The one thing I had to do was fix the frame buffer size: The frame buffer needs to be set to get the appropriate resolution in the x images 1. edit /boot/boot.script * set bcm2708_fb.fbwidth=1280 and bcm2708_fb.fbheight=1024 in bootargs 2. Then rebuild the boot.scr * mkimage -C none -A arm -T script -d boot.script boot.scr David Byte Sr. Technology Strategist Alliances and SUSE Embedded dbyte@suse.com 918.528.4422 On 4/13/16, 6:55 AM, "Jimmy PIERRE" <jimmypierre.rouen.france@gmail.com> wrote:
I am still on the case :)
I have Linux Presentation Day on 30th April and getting desperate t show openSUSE working on RPi3 plus the 3 RPi2...
I have not tried this image yet: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:/ARM:/Factory:/Contrib:/Rasp...
Before I do, any feedback please?
Cheers, Jimmy N�����r��y隊Z)z{.�櫛맲��r��z�^�ˬz��N�(�֜��^� ޭ隊Z)z{.�櫛�0�����Ǩ�