Andreas Färber - 9:50 5.01.16 wrote:
Hi Michal,
Am 05.01.2016 um 08:52 schrieb Michal Hrusecky:
I was searching but wasn't able to find where lives Leap for armv7l. Or is it not ready yet?
Apparently you didn't search the list archives:
Yep, I was searching in OBS, didn't expected answer this bad.
A workaround for the Arndale boards has been identified by Bernhard and Dirk during Hackweek, but I'm not sure whether it's deployed yet.
Ok, will try to read up what was the issue.
If so, where lives wip so I can help?
If you want to help, set up a private OBS instance somewhere and start building Leap and fixing any failures. Chances are that if you use qemu-linux-user on x86, like Factory's armv6hl, you'll be able to build packages but won't be able to build any images beyond the rootfs.
Hmmm, in general not enough resources to effectively fork whole OBS in long term, don't have powerful enough computer that I can spare for a long time. So you are saying that currently there is no effort to support armv7l on Leap, just somehow building Factory. And if I will try to do it in main OBS, it will just cog up and there will be neither Leap nor Tumbleweed as we lack build power. And the workers cannot be distributed outside of NUE datacenter, so I can't contribute my spare CPU cycles. Am I correct? Did somebody already talked to Andrew about our lack of resources? I have a computer that I can abuse for a short time, so I'll try to build something. PS: Frankly, I don't care much about images, that's mostly quite easy to do manually, I'm mostly interested in system, so rootfs only is fine for me ;-) -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: To contact the owner, e-mail: