Hi Alex, On 24.03.22 17:31, Alexandre Vicenzi wrote:
I did not find any openSUSE supported boards but here are some 8GB ones:
QUARTZ64 (~$80): https://pine64.com/product/quartz64-model-a-8gb-single-board-computer/ ROC-RK3566-PC (~$150): https://en.t-firefly.com/product/industry/rocrk3566pc.html ROCK 3A (~$100): https://wiki.radxa.com/Rock3/3a
These three are interesting, especially the rock 3a which is readily available. The ROC-PC is only available in 2 and 4GB versions right now.
NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX (~$500): https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/jetson-xavier-nx-devkit
This is a little bit too pricey, I can get 3 raspi4-8GB for that amount and they will probably outperform it as obsworkers ;-)
With one of these boards and the willingness to debug we can attempt to create an image. SBCs with 8GB or more you start to go into x86 boards with Intel Atom/Celeron processors, such as Latte Panda ones.
Right now I'm still trying to get a raspberry pi4 8GB, simply because it is already well supported, but if this is not possible soon, then I'll probably try the Rock 3a. For the use as OBS worker, it would also probably not matter much, if it only runs debian or some downstream distribution out of the box. Thanks for the input! -- Stefan Seyfried "For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for nature cannot be fooled." -- Richard Feynman