7 Jun
7 Jun
hay opensuse arm team/mailing list i have 3 raspberry pi's 1 b and 2 b+. i am running rasbian on 2 of those true pxe nfs boot without sd card... i woud love to run the 3e one on opensuse. i now there is now out of the box solution and for now i diddent find a way to get it gowing. starting kernel and then the divice hangs is how far i got. so my quistion is how can i help and how far are we whit pxe arm opensuse... and a more importend cuastion is how and where can i join in to help/test etc.... thanks for the all the work Grts Thierry Reijnhout NL http://openhoofd.nl trijenhout@hotmail.com N�����r��y隊Z)z{.�櫛맲��r��z�^�ˬz��N�(�֜��^� ޭ隊Z)z{.�櫛�0�����Ǩ�