[uyuni-announce] Uyuni 2020.09 is released!
Hello everyone! We are happy to announce the immediate availability of Uyuni 2020.09 At https://www.uyuni-project.org/pages/stable-version.html you will find all the resources you need to start working with Uyuni 2020.09, including the release notes, documentation, requirements and setup instructions. IMPORTANT: Keep in mind Uyuni 2020.07 changed the base OS to openSUSE Leap 15.2, so a special procedure is needed if you are not upgrading from 2020.07 but from a previous version! Check the release notes and the documentation for all the details This is the list of highlights for this release: * Uyuni Hub XML-RPC API is now supported * Formula for peripheral server management (Technology Preview) * Maintenance windows * Monitoring reverse proxies * Added new type of "Virtual Host Manager": Nutanix AHV * Grafana 7.1.5 * New products enabled Please check the release notes for full details. We will also have Uyuni Community Hours this Friday 25th at 16.00 CEST to present Uyuni 2020.09 [1] Remember that Uyuni will follow a rolling release planning, so the next version will contain bugfixes for this one and any new features. There will be no maintenance of 2020.09 As always, we hope you will enjoy Uyuni 2020.09 and we invite everyone of you to send us your feedback [2] and of course your patches, if you can contribute. Happy hacking! [1] https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/ 19%3Ameeting_ZmZmNzY5MjAtZGI2Mi00MDY1LWJiMTMtYjU3N2U0YmQxMmQz%40thread.v2/0? context=%7B%22Tid%22%3A%22f7a17af6-1c5c-4a36-aa8b- f5be247aa4ba%22%2C%22Oid%22%3A%2283d1ce03-a2c8-4530-8955-02fbc59cb7d6%22%7D Conference ID: 169 720 66# Dial-in numbers: https://dialin.teams.microsoft.com/58c3986f-4c3a-4b77-b4e8-f431171ef66d? id=16972066 [2] https://www.uyuni-project.org/pages/contact.html -- Julio González Gil Release Engineer, SUSE Manager and Uyuni jgonzalez@suse.com
participants (1)
Julio González Gil