Hello! Several users syncing openSUSE Leap 15.3/15.4 and/or the SUSE PackageHub reported that they are getting the following error running reposync from CLI, or at the WebUI notifications area: 2022/07/05 09:22:01 +02:00 Importing packages to DB: 2022/07/05 09:22:02 +02:00 'rpm.hdr' object has no attribute 'get' Please note that this bug does **not** prevent syncing other packages, it just means that the package `kicad-packages3D` version `5.1.8-bp154.1.18` failed to sync due to the bug. So it wont be available for Uyuniu clients, as it won't be synced at the server. Other than that the reposync will work just as usual. If automated syncing is for the affected channels is enabled, then you will also get notifications at the UI (the "bell" icon). A patch for Uyuni 2022.06 to fix both problems was just published, in case you do not want to wait for Uyuni 2022.07 (it will be part of that release as well). You can apply the patch by following the instructions at: https://www.uyuni-project.org/pages/patches.html If you are using Uyuni 2022.05 or older: make sure you update to 2022.06, and remember 2022.06 changes the base OS to openSUSE Leap 15.4, so you need to follow a special procedure (check the release notes). Thank to all users that reported the issue, and specially to Jonathan Müller (LordofAgents) for providing the information about the affected package. Happy hacking! -- Julio González Gil Release Engineer, SUSE Manager and Uyuni jgonzalez@suse.com