|Hello folks! It's almost the end of the month and there's a new Uyuni Community Hours approaching. This time, we will be also live from the openSUSE conference (https://events.opensuse.org/conferences/oSC24). If you happen to be in Nuremberg, join us and say hi, we would also love to meet you there and hear from you! During the openSUSE conference we will also have two additional sessions about Uyuni. * Uyuni project: where we started... and where we could go together - June 27th (https://events.opensuse.org/conferences/oSC24/program/proposals/4548) * Uyuni: the open-source configuration and infrastructure management solution for software-defined infrastructure. An introduction to Uyuni - June 27th (https://events.opensuse.org/conferences/oSC24/program/proposals/4545) * Uyuni Community Hours, openSUSE conference edition - June 28th. Some important information about the Community Hours that will take place on June 28th: * If you can't attend in person, don't worry, we will have a live streaming. * The live streaming will use the same platform used by the openSUSE conference and we will provide all the access links and details in a follow-up email. * The sessions will also be recorded. For what concerns the agenda, given that this edition is focused on community contributions, we will have our Google Summer of Code mentees joining and presenting the two ongoing projects currently in progress for the 2024 edition of this Google sponsored project. Now, going into details, those are the items we will cover this time: - Uyuni: What's new? ||- Containerized Uyuni: release strategy||- Google Summer of Code 2024 projects: - Refresh Uyuni website and improve accessibility and responsiveness - Develop a lazy reposync service ||- Salt master performance improvements||Stay tuned for all the details and for the link to join the Community Hours, and remember you can find all the information about the Community hours, included updated agenda and link for the meeting at https://github.com/uyuni-project/uyuni/wiki/Uyuni-Community-Hours See you there!| -- Kind regards, Raúl Osuna Sánchez-Infante SUSE Manager and Uyuni Software Release Engineer SUSE Software Solutions Spain SL Engineering & Innovation, EMEA