Today, the openSUSE conference team is happy and proud to announce the openSUSE Conference 2013. From July 18 to 22, the openSUSE Community will flock to the land where 2500 years ago, Philosophers started the Age of Reason. Humbly standing on the shoulders of these giants, we'll work, enjoy the great climate and each other, developing the technology for the future of humankind. The Greek Philosophers were part of a revolution which changed the world. So are we, and thus, under the motto of *"Power to the Geeko"*, we will gather and work on our very own Free Software revolution! The local team of volunteers is working with great dedication to provide an awesome experience for everybody at oSC13. We're always looking for more volunteers to help out! Like last year, we'll have supporter- and professional tickets available but of course entry is free. We do kindly ask you to help us in planning and coordinating by registering. Registration will open in the first half of February and you can also expect our Call for Papers at that time. Read our full announcement on http://news.opensuse.org/?p=14908 Have a lot of fun, The Conference Team