Details: Date: Saturday - 2006-12-16 Time: 18:00 GMT Location: irc.freenode.net #opensuse-community Explanation: This meeting is primarily organised for, and run by openSUSE community members who are not employed by Novell/SUSE. This meeting is not a status meeting, Status meetings are primarily communication to and from @suse.de folk. The aims of the meeting are to: - Inform (of existing community participation.) - Encourage (further community involvements through practical suggestions.) - Enable (said involvement with further meetings & connecting resources.) The meeting is planned for a Saturday as this seems to be the best day to allow as many people as possible who do not work for Novell/SUSE to attend. A core group of people have already agreed to attend. It would be great to have as many people as possible attend. Whether you have any interest in participating in the project in any capacity, or are simply interested in what others are doing. It would be good to feedback on the results of this meeting at the status meeting on 2006-12-20. However, most of those involved with organising this meeting are unable to attend status meetings due to timing. Agenda below: --- Agenda: - Introduction/Purpose of meeting. - Overview of a selection of existing projects with opensuse community involvement, and how others can get involved. - opensuseupdater (Narayan Newton) - Translation (Martin Schlander) - Packaging (Pascal Bleser) - Build Service clients (Jonathan Arsenault) - Package Search (Benjamin Weber) - Perhaps more, time permitting. If you want to talk about a project you are involved with let me know, or reply to this thread. - Brainstorming session to concoct achievable projects that would directly benefit openSUSE. Please come with ideas if you have any. Aim for projects requiring varying skillsets. Results can be populated on http://en.opensuse.org/Tasks . Some ideas to kick off discussion: - Some ideas on http://en.opensuse.org/Tasks and http://en.opensuse.org/Feature_Wishlist already. - Extensions to pre-existing projects mentioned in the first part of the meeting. - YaST module UI cleanup [1] - FAQ [2] - One click repository adding + Package install [3] - Hopefully many more to be gathered before and during meeting. - Organisation - Exchange names/contact details with any who are interested in helping with a particular suggestion. - Plan dates for subsequent specialized meetings to persue any projects with significant interest. - Set preliminary date for next community meeting. - Assign task of writing minutes. - Assign task of updating wiki tasks/projects page with results of this meeting. - Assign task of giving feedback on the results of this meeting at the next status meeting. -AOB --- [1] Certain modules in YaST are in need of user interface improvements to make their core functionality accessable to inexperienced users, This breaks down into several tasks for those with varying abilities/time. - Gather feedback about current modules, Identify core use-cases for modules. - Design/Mockup improved UI to better enable these core use-cases. - Gather feedback on suggested changes. - Make suggested changes. Requires: Users, Designers/Artists, Developers [2] There are innumerable existing howtos, tutorials, and support articles all over the place, on opensuse.org and in other places. Some superb, others less good. Many of the very most frequently asked questions touch areas of questionable legality and cannot be hosted on opensuse.org. It would be very beneficial to have a FAQ covering a few of the very most frequently asked questions and a "Best practice" consistent answer to each of the top n questions. They would cover not the easiest way for the support person to fix the issue with an obscure command, but the very easiest way for the user to accomplish their goal (& how they might discover it on their own). Illustrated with appropriate media, Text,Screenshots,Screencasts etc as appropriate. This is a lot more work than it might sound, but it is something that many people would be capable of helping with. Entails: Discussion & Planning to come up with the top questions & easiest way to solve each question. High level of maintenance to keep current (See constant changes in best way to install nvidia driver etc) Requires: People experienced with support in Real Life/Forum/IRC etc; Good language skills; Translators [3] I blogged about this after this meeting was planned (http://blogs.warwick.ac.uk/bweber/entry/next_generation_package/).