screen blocks installation of 9.1
Hi folks, After more than six months of messing around I finally got SuSE 9.1 running. Then, silly me, I went out a bought a laptop: It is an AMD 64 bit processor supplied by a company called TPG, but I believe that it is actually an Arima W70-K8M in disguise. I tried to install SuSE 9.1 for 64 bit machines but ran into the following problem. SuSE appears to install with no problems, but when it goes to re-start it hangs thus: First start: I press F2 to see details: hangs after saying it is going to start something (which I have forgotten). Second start attempt: Gets past the above point, but hangs after announcing that it is starting CUPS. Third start attempt: Gets to the login screen and announces that it cannot read the monitor type and would I like to configure it manually. After configuring SuSE hangs the machine. Must power off. The above is exactly repeatable every time, several times. The screen is a WXGA LCD with LVDS interface. The native resolution is 1280 x 800 "wide" screen. The card is a SiS 651_66FX_ _741_760_760GX_M661FX_M661MX Works with zero problems under 'that' XP at 60 Hz, 32 bit color. I have tried: (a) installation without up-dates, (b) installation with up-dates (about three hours with ADSL), (c) setting the screen as LCD with under-sized pixel dimensions, (d) setting VGA (screen drops into violent color flashes), etc I have spent over twenty hours surfing the web for a solution. TPG do not provide technical support except to say that there is a discussion on the Whirlpool forum (but I read the whole lot, about 90 large pages, and found NULL). Any ideas would be much appreciated. Regards, Colin PS: At 2.40 am I am falling into bed....
participants (1)
Colin Carter