I just built a new rig with 2 10,000rpm SATA hard drives. I have them setup in RAID 0 in WinXP Pro. I am totally new to any linux, but I thought I would give SuSE a try since I like playing with new things and its 64bit compatible. Anyways, I have yet to install SuSE 9.1 cause when I start the installation one of the first messages goes something like this: This system has at least one hard disk w/ a RAID configuration sold by the BIOS as RAID that is in fact a software RAID. (then the last part of the message states) If you do an installation on these Disks your RAID configuration and any Data on the RAID will be lost! Now I was just wondering if this means it will erase WinXP and my other files off my drives? Should I just continue through the normal installation? I am completely new but would like to experience the whole linux world. I have AMD64 3200++ and SuSE Linux Pro 9.1. Please help me out. Thanks, tony. __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? New and Improved Yahoo! Mail - 100MB free storage! http://promotions.yahoo.com/new_mail
--- Tony <tonymisner1983@yahoo.com> schrieb: > I just built a new rig with 2 10,000rpm SATA hard
drives. I have them setup in RAID 0 in WinXP Pro. I am totally new to any linux, but I thought I would give SuSE a try since I like playing with new things and its 64bit compatible. Anyways, I have yet to install SuSE 9.1 cause when I start the installation one of the first messages goes something like this:
This system has at least one hard disk w/ a RAID configuration sold by the BIOS as RAID that is in fact a software RAID. (then the last part of the message states) If you do an installation on these Disks your RAID configuration and any Data on the RAID will be lost!
Now I was just wondering if this means it will erase WinXP and my other files off my drives? Should I just continue through the normal installation? I am completely new but would like to experience the whole linux world. I have AMD64 3200++ and SuSE Linux Pro 9.1. Please help me out. Thanks, tony.
Hi tony, i never used SATA-Raid so i may be false but i think that this SATA raid is more like a software raid than like a real raid controller. The usage seems to be very similar to software raids with normal ATA disks. I expect that you have to turn off the SATA raid in your BIOS when you want to make a SATA raid with SuSE 9.1 or use it without Raid - as you're using Raid 0 and this is no Raid in fact, i couldn't see a reason for making a raid ? In any way the data of your Windows system will be lost and you want be able to use the Linux SATA raid with Windows! I don't know what SATA controller and mainboard you're using but for VIA boards for ex. there're drivers for their raid system for linux (http://www.viaarena.com) from VIA. But i don't think that there're already drivers for SuSE 9.1 available. With this drivers it might be posible to use the same SATA-raid with Linux and Windows. Notice that i have no experiences with SATA raids - i just wrote what i have read about this and what i can remember because nobody else has replied so far ;-) best regards Franz ___________________________________________________________ Bestellen Sie Y! DSL und erhalten Sie die AVM "FritzBox SL" für 0. Sie sparen 119 und bekommen 2 Monate Grundgebührbefreiung. http://de.adsl.yahoo.com
participants (2)
Franz Mach