I believe what you need is in Yast, under one of the modem setup screens. It is probably written in one of the wvdial configuration files, but Yast should be the easiest way. Here is the page from the manual: http://www-uxsup.csx.cam.ac.uk/pub/doc/suse/suse9.3/suselinux-adminguide_en/... check section 22.4.2. Good Luck, Sean --------------------------------------------- On Mon, 08 Aug 2005 18:30:40 -0500 Langsley <bulloved@nitline.com> wrote:
sean-lynch@sean-lynch.com wrote:
Kinternet is a front end for wvdial, so when you use kinternet your are using wvdial.
Check the "idle time" setting. If your disconnect is due to the idle time, setting it to zero disables this.
turn on the log, this will print a message if there is an error causing the disconnect, and not just the idle time setting, the log might point to a cause.
On Sun, 07 Aug 2005 16:53:24 -0500 Langsley <bulloved@nitline.com> wrote:
First, thanks to all who offered assistance with my logout hell problem! I now have things configured correctly.and log out works as it should.
Now for the question/s du jour: How can I get KInternet to stop disconnecting my modem about every five to ten minutes?
Also, I've read that wvdial is a better program. YAST shows that I have wvdial installed but I can't find it. It isn't listed under Internet> dial up on my main menu as KInternet is. Where should I look for this program (wvdial)? Any other suggestions are, of course, most welcome.
LTR Hi Sean and thanks for your assistance. I discovered by reading the log that wvdial and KInternet are actually one and the same, or as you say one is the front end for the other. You suggested that I look at "the 'idle time' setting". I am unable to find such a setting or listing under the settings for the KInternet program. Is it located somewhere else?
Again, thanks for your help.
-- LTR bulloved@nitline.com
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