We have recently acquired a few dual opteron boxes with a fair bit of SATA storage (2 to 4 TB per RAID using 3Ware 9500S-8 or -12 controllers). One immediate unusual "feature" we have found is the slow start up time on the ReiserFS file system at boot up. It typically takes about 3 minutes per file system regardless whether the file system is newly formed, or have a fair bit of usage, at a clean shutdown and reboot or a complete power cycle. If we then changed the file system to JFS, then this slow start up issue goes away. Another trouble however arises with JFS is that disk to disk copy can rapidly drops from 40MB/s to 2 MB/s in about 5 minutes, even with nothing else running on the system. Can anyone shed some light to these issues? The boxes are running Suse 9.1 x86-64 Professional.

Can anyone shed some light to these issues?
It's probably not reiserfs that is slow, but something else in the bootup process. When the console of the system is redirected one often only sees the messages of the file system after bootup. I would remove any console=... settings in /boot/grub/menu.lst and recheck on the vga console. Normally systems boot faster, usual reasons for slowness is some DNS resolver or other network problem etc. during boot. -Andi
participants (2)
Andi Kleen
Chiu, PCM (Peter)