I am slowly moving stuff that I have working on a Red Hat 7.3 system to the Suse 9.0-64 system. One item that I can't find is the Tcl executable. The packages that are installed show up as: tcl-devel-8.4.4-33 tcl-8.4.4-33 tcllib-1.4-56 tclplug-3.0-117 itcl-3.3-277 tcl-32bit-9.0-0 spectcl-1.1-706 tclx-8.4-220 vtcl-1.5.2-331 In the old RH system, there is an executable: /usr/bin/tcl Actually: /usr/bin/tcl /usr/bin/tclhelp /usr/bin/tclsh All I find on 9.0-64 is: /usr/bin/tclsh@ /usr/bin/tclsh8.4* (tclsh is a link to tclsh8.4) Is there a link or an environmental variable that I am missing? Is tclsh the same as the tcl executable? I know that Tcl is running somehow 'cause tuxracer runs and it has Tcl buried in it... All help/advice appreciated. ......Chuck