Hi, just installed SuSE10.0 a few days ago. The system was runing fine, beside a strange problem with the sound (sound works well if I configure it with alsaconf, if I use YAST xine can't access the 5.1 surround sound). But now, a few days later some strange error arise: * gimp with started successfully won't start again (memory access error) * firefox is instable, after erasing the .mozilla direcotory in my home it dosn't start anymore: (Gecko:6737): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed /usr/bin/firefox: line 251: 6737 Speicherzugriffsfehler $MOZ_PROGRAM $MOZ_LANG - again memory access error What I have done after installing SuSE10: * installed another theme for kdm (you have to write it to /opt/kde3/share/apps/kdm/themes/SUSE) * installed xine, kaffeine and MPlayer from packman (x86_64) * installed transcode, xvid, libfame, speex, libdvdcss, libmpeg3, lame, libpostproc, mjpegtools, w32codec (only for dependencies), a52dec and DVDRip form packman (all x86_64 - only the w32codec not) * installed the aqua theme for IceWM and the aqua-graphite stile from kde-look * doing the online-update Any ideas what I can do? Or any similar problems? Or any ideas if this is only with amd64? Thanks, Martin