Thanks Brad, will give that a try when I get home tonight. As I am runing 9.1, iirc SuSE was still using Xfree86. Forgot entirely all about SaX and Sax2. Aren't they graphical apps though? Lance Brad Bourn <brad@summitrd.com> wrote on 10/27/2004, 05:52:48 PM:
You want to play with the /etc/X11/XF86Config (XFree86 at least, not sure about X.org)
or simply use Sax2 (but may not work if incorrectly detecting)
There may be a command line option for Sax to set.
man sax or man sax2
On Wednesday 27 October 2004 09:12 am, ozymandias@pt-cruiser.net wrote:
Ok, so I finally got all the bits and pieces I wanted for my 64 bit box together and have run into a slight problem. My 19" Monitor is capable of displaying 1280x1024, but only @ 75Hz. Yast seemed to detect the correct frequency range while I was installing, but when X/KDE started up my monitor reported that they sync rate was out of range. I switched to a terminal and logged in then ran YAST in text mode, but seem to be unable to change the refresh rates reported that are probed.
How can I change the default refresh rate that X/KDE uses? I amsume that there is a config file I can edit while logged into a terminal, but after (a very short) google attempt I could not locate an answer.
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