Jyh-Shyong Ho wrote:
Recently Intel released 64-bit compatible compiler 8.1 which supports both Intel 64-bit x86 and AMD x86-64 chips. I wonder who has actually tried this new version of compiler on and AMD x86-64 system? I downloaded the non-commercial version of the compiler and installed on
my Opteron system, however, only the 32-bit version can be installed.
Best regards
Jyh-Shyong Ho, Ph.D. Research Scientist National Center for High Performance Computing Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC
Really ?!?!?! What version, etc. ? I just spent about 50 minutes last night (literally) downloading updated Linux Intel FORTRAN & C compilers (8.1.19 FORTRAN, 8.1.22 C), what else do I need to get ? BTW, a '32-bit' compiler might still be able to generate 64-bit code AOK, I *think* '32-bit' means it's a 32-bit app, 32-bit internal addressing, could still work OK to get 64-bit code .... Thanks in advance !!!!