Dear Mr. Jaegar, Thanks for your reply. I tried again the NFS installation, and I found the reason why I failed in my previous attempts. My TYAN 2885 motherboard has only one gigabit ethernet port, after selecting the name of the network card modules (tg3 or bcm5700) from the module list, I should leave the module parameter box empty (instead of typing eth0), and the installer correctly picked up the module driver /modules/tg3.ko, otherwise, it will try to look for /modules/tg3.koeth0 which does not exist. Best regards Jyh-Shyong Ho, Ph.D. Research Scientist National Center for High Performance Computing Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC Andreas Jaeger wrote:
Jyh-Shyong Ho <c00jsh00@nchc.org.tw> writes:
I installed SuSE9.1 on my dual Opteron computer with TYAN2885. I have two problems and hope someone can help.
1. I am not able to install SuSE9.1 with NFS, the installer failed to load the network crad module, I tried bcm5700, tg3 and others from the network module list, with parameter set to eth0, the specified modules were not found by the installer. I wonder what might be the problem? I used both the downloaded boot image and a SuSE9.1 DVD for this installation.
Have you checked the log files? Without them there's not much we can do. I regularly install during the test phase with NFS and ftp using a Broadcom card but never had a problem.
2. After installed SuSE9.1 with the DVD, and I tried the beta version of a 3D visualization program Amira, I got the following error message:
/usr/lib64/libGL.so.1 : no version information available
Somehow the program does not pick up the version information of libGL.so.1 which does exist.
Maybe they linked against a different libGL?
Andreas -- Andreas Jaeger, aj@suse.de, http://www.suse.de/~aj SUSE Linux AG, Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 N�rnberg, Germany GPG fingerprint = 93A3 365E CE47 B889 DF7F FED1 389A 563C C272 A126
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