What about SLSE 9 service pack 1, maybe service pack 2? SLSE 10? What does the current roadmap say about the release time frame for future releases of SLSE? Is there any indication what the final Kernel level will be for the next SLSE release? 2.6.8 + patches? 2.6.9? ----- -----Original Message----- From: rrpalma@synopsis.ws [mailto:rrpalma@synopsis.ws] Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 2004 6:36 PM To: Johan Nielsen Cc: suse-amd64@suse.com Subject: Re: [suse-amd64] Suse 10 release schedule info request. I was also able to get in the States. ________________________________________ Ricardo R Palma SYNOPSIS SA Telef. (+51 1) 275-4941 / 275-4708 / 275-7523 email : rrpalma@synopsis.ws www.synopsis.ws -----Johan Nielsen <yep@osterbo-net.dk> wrote: ----- To: suse-amd64@suse.com From: Johan Nielsen <yep@osterbo-net.dk> Date: 10/26/2004 08:30PM Subject: Re: [suse-amd64] Suse 10 release schedule info request. Onsdag den 27. oktober 2004 02:53 skrev Marco Maske:
Johan Nielsen wrote:
9.2 is in Beta right now
have a look at their press-release
Excuse. In Germany SuSE 9.2 is still in shops since last friday :-)
-- Ciao Marco, registered GNU/Linux-User 313353
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