We have recently setup a full 64 bit system with Dual AMD Opteron and 1024 MB RAM to replace a single p4, 3.0 Ghz with 1024 MB RAM. SUSE 64 bit Blackdown JDK 64 bit Mysql 64 bit This server is used to constantly process data and put it into a database. The p4 generally ran at 100% all day long with Mysql using most of that time. The server generally got large processing queues during busy times and the performance dropped significantly during these times. We have found the new one to be about 3 times faster in processing data when compared to the p4 running when it wasn't backed up. The new Opteron has not been put to full capacity yet since it never gets behind, so I can't tell you how it will perform if it were running at 100%. This is just FYI. Travis