On Fri, Oct 22, 2004 at 10:21:37AM +0200, Helmut Tschemernjak wrote:
we are getting error messages using our server process on Suse 9.1:
kernel: afpsrv: 32bit quotactl not supported on 64 bit kernel
Does somebody now if the quota 32 bit API cannot be mapped into 64 bit or is it just a missing translation.
Missing translation: long sys32_quotactl(void) { struct task_struct *me = current; static char lastcomm[8]; if (strcmp(lastcomm, me->comm)) { printk(KERN_INFO "%s: 32bit quotactl not supported on 64 bit kernel\n", me->comm); strcpy(lastcomm, me->comm); } return -ENOSYS; } Actually the call may just be compatible, it could work if you replace it with sys_quotactl in ia32entry.S (or that is at least what ppc64 did). If it works please report and I can change it. -Andi